The Tropocells® PRP system uses separating gel technology (patented), to isolate the plasma and platelets from the other blood components, such as red blood cells. The treatment with the PRR method encourages the acceleration of the body’s natural healing ability, shortens rehabilitation periods after injuries and surgeries, thus returning people to a pain-free lifestyle.
Autologous PRP (originating from the patient’s blood) encourages the completion of the recovery cycle, thus reducing pain and helping the regeneration of the soft tissues, meniscus, and cartilage, and in some cases – even nerve healing. It can be combined with other treatment methods, but even on its own it leads to a faster healing period after injury, trauma, illness, or surgery.
PRP is effective in cases of:
- Orthopedic injuries (including sports injuries)
- Meniscus\labrum injuries
- Pain resulting from a herniated disc
- torn ligament\tendon\muscle
- Pain after orthopedic surgeries
- Joint inflammations such as: tennis\golf elbow, bursitis, tendinitis
- Chronic pain from diseases such as: hyper flexibility, hEDS, osteoarthritis (OA)
- Hard-to-heal wound\diabetic wound

PRP (Platelets-Rich Plasma) is extracted from the patient’s blood, taken like a normal blood test. A liquid solution is produced from the sample, containing platelet-rich plasma, which is pumped into 2 syringes, so that one syringe contains mainly plasma (PPP) and the second syringe contains platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
The PPP undergoes two more processes, first heating and then other cooling so that it turns into a viscous solution, which is mixed together with the PRP liquid. This results in a PRP solution with a viscous texture – hence the name PRP-visco.
Later, the solution is divided into 1 ml syringes, then injected directly into the desired area for treatment, under local anesthesia. The goal being promoting and accelerating the tissue healing process in the area.
Thanks to the viscous texture of the PRP-visco, it remains in the treated area for up to 7-8 weeks after the treatment. For full recovery, in most cases the treatment must be repeated (with an interval of about 8 weeks from the previous treatment).
Thanks to the use of the VISCO technology, it is possible to extend the biological effect of the PRP in the area where it is injected. Combining PRP with VISCO, allows for a more controlled dispersion of PRP in the injection area, and its slow and gradual release, to create an optimal effect and for a long time.

- PRP initiates connective tissue healing, bone and joint surface regeneration and repair, promotes development of new blood vessels and stimulates wound healing.
- PRP provides significant improvement in symptoms
- Safety – PRP is a very safe procedure; it is non-allergenic and without risk of transmissible diseases
- PRP accelerates healing and may delay or eliminate the need for surgery
- May be combined with other treatments to stimulate biological healing effects

The specially-designed Tropocells® Separator Gel produces an optimum PRP profile:
- Low Granulocytes: Virtually eliminating granulocytes from PRP, which are not considered beneficial in terms of regeneration process and may contribute to a catabolic effect by secreting catabolic mediators, including metalloproteinases
- Low RBCs: erythrocytes have been shown to significantly decrease fibroblast proliferation and augment apoptosis in vitro
- Monocyte Enrichment helps in attenuating inflammation and the beginning of the regeneration process
- Increasing collagen expression and enhance anabolic effects of PRP
- High Platelet Yield: A proprietary anticoagulant and specialized tube coating help maximize platelet yield so only a lower volume of blood is needed

Blood harvest and centrifugation 1500g 10min

Tube vent

PPP withdrawal

Place the PPP in the gel converter block for 10 min, 100°C. Let it cool down.

PRP suspension by inversion.

Draw PRP for use

Place the PPP in the gel converter block for 10 min, 100°C. Let it cool down.

PRP suspension by inversion.

Draw PRP for use
- TropoVISC only needs one Tropocells® PRP tube to be created.
- Provides both, gold standard PRP, and a scaffold.
- It is Autologous.
- Physiological PH.
- A Simple and fast process.
- One step, safe, sterile and close system.
- Tropocells® is cleared by the FDA (510Kclearance) for orthopedic applications, CE (Class IIb), TGA, TFDA and more.
- Only a Single centrifugation spin.
- Free of proinflammatory cells.
- Available in 11ml(~6ml of TropoVISC)or 22ml tube(~13ml of TropoVISC)