The clinic of Dr. Yeshaiahu Benedict, a specialist in orthopedic and trauma surgery and under the management of Ms. Emilie Levy.
Our clinic deals with providing answers to all those suffering from orthopedic problems, sports injuries, trauma injuries and chronic pain.
At Prolo Cure, a personal and dedicated treatment plan is provided to the patient, starting from further medical clarification such as referral for x-rays and tests to complementary medicine, regenerative treatments or surgery.
If you suffer from chronic pain or an orthopedic problem, please contact us and we will do everything we can to find the best solution for you.

Dr. Benedict is the Medical Director of the Prolo Cure Clinic. He is a senior specialist in orthopedic surgery, specializing in trauma from LGI Leeds Hospital in England, and has been managing the orthopedic trauma service at Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon for the past decade. Dr. Benedict specializes in complex fracture surgeries, treatment of multi-system injuries, fracture complications and joint replacements. He also provides medical recommendations to National Insurance committees, recommendations for a disability badge and providing medical opinions in personal injury claims.
Dr. Benedict began his studies as a reservist at the Hebrew University School of Medicine, after which he completed an internship at ”Beilinson” Hospital. After his military service as a combat doctor, he specialized in orthopedic surgery at Shamir Hospital (Assaf Harofeh).
Dr. Benedict was elected as an outstanding lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine at Ben-Gurion University, a member of the Israeli Orthopedic Association, the Orthopedic Trauma Association and an international guide of fractures. He also examines students in the first and second stage exams of orthopedic surgery.
In 2021, he underwent training in the field of regenerative treatments and has been treating this method ever since. In 2022, together with Ms. Emilie Levy, he opened the Prolo Cure clinic, which specializes in regenerative treatments.

Emilie Levy is the CEO and founder of the Prolo Cure Clinic. From an early age, she suffered from severe pain and hyper flexibility in various joints, with no apparent cause. At 16, she diagnosed herself with a rare syndrome called Ehlers Danlos, after watching the series ”Grey’s Anatomy”, where one patient’s symptoms were very reminiscent of those Emilie had suffered from over the years. After extensive research, Dr. Yael Gazit confirmed this diagnosis in 2019.
In September 2020, Emilie was involved in a car accident and suffered from whiplash that worsened her condition. Within six months, she dislocated all the ribs in her thoracic and chest, shoulders, scapulas, hips and suffered significant instability in all her cervical vertebrae, including a rotator vertebra, as well as instability in the knees, ankles and palms. Because of this, she suffered terrible pain all over her body, became limited and needed help from those around her. Following her cervical deterioration, Emilie also suffered from headaches, dizziness, severe memory and concentration problems, brain fog, nausea, reflux, sensitivity to light and sound, memory problems, ear fullness and tinnitus in her ears. All of these caused her to not even be able to sleep for more than 10 minutes straight.
After visiting the best specialists in Israel who didn’t know how to provide her with the medical solution for dislocating her ribs, she turned to Dr. Ross Hauser, a specialist in rehabilitation and pain, and one of the best and most well-known prolotherapists in the world. In his clinic she underwent a total of 9 treatments (including 7 PRP and 2 stem cells) in a large number of joints: all ribs in the thoracic, all ribs in the chest, 7 cervical vertebrae, shoulders and scapulas, hips, knees, palms and thumbs.
“This treatment saved me and gave me the opportunity to get my life back,” she says: “I know that there are many others like me in Israel, who suffer from terrible pain every day and have no solution or the ability to fly and pay for the treatments abroad.” Her personal experience and pain led her to establish “Prolo Cure”, a clinic where the patient is at the center and will never feel disrespected. A clinic that provides innovative and first-of-its-kind treatments in the Israel for those who need it.